Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fun at the Riedel's

Ok, so this is totally last season, but nonetheless, it's definitely post-worthy material. Let's count those babies ...1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8!!! Eight kiddos, all together with one (so actually there are 9) not swimming since well, she's like 3 months old! The mommas of these kiddos have been my dearest friends since high school and some since junior high!

sweet baby Anna!

Here's our crew....and Jamie doesn't have babies just yet, so the numbers are bound to grow. I don't know who else will have more babies at this point and for us, the jury is still out. Since Abby is preggers and due soon, so our little brew will be at 10 by the end of the year. We should go camping in 5 years!!!

We had the pleasure of staying that night at the Riedel home. It was the first time we've been able to spend some good time together. Cody (Kim's husband) was out of town, so it was just Kim and I with our 5 kiddos. Luckily, Kim's house is run like a day care in that her house is spacious, and she has the best snacks and toys for any kiddo. For the most part, the kids got along well and we enjoyed seeing them all interact together.

Mck enjoyed mimicking Lizzie

All matching per size (both sets are 6 weeks apart)

this one little baby item was their favorite toy...which, by the way, even little Maddie was too big for it

snuggle time!

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