Friday, January 1, 2010

the Son

Cayden. Cayden is officially 2 1/2 today! The terrible twos. But really, I wouldn't call them that. This year (the 2nd year) has been a little more challenging, but overall, we spend quite a bit of time laughing....with him but mostly at him. The things he says and does are so offbeat and random. I'm reminded that he's still learning what's appropriate, proper manners and knowing how to control his impulses. We've had our share of melt downs and I know more are to come, but that little man makes my day, everyday. He can be such a dancing clown, then a clingy monkey, then he needs his 'independence' and then lots of hugs and kisses. I'm pretty sure I'm begging him for his kisses most of the day.

We have some big milestones coming up in the next few months. I'm pretty certain I'd leave him in his crib till he was 6 (slightly exaggerating) but I know that in order for potty training to be successful, he's got to have access to the potty. Tiny detail. On that note, I'm not ready for that either, so we're staying pretty stagnant over here for a while.

When we got home from all our travels, Corey and Cayden (mostly Corey) made a ginger bread train. Corey built it while Cayden decorated...or ate the pieces. That's how it goes sometimes!

For Christmas, Cayden got a 4 wheeler from his grandpa Wheeler. He's a little short, but he's oh so cute!

the Daughter

Mckinley. Mckinley is now nearly 9 1/2 months old! I'm pretty sure I was pregnant yesterday. Just a few weeks ago she started crawling. I mean, I think she woke up one day and thought, "Hum, today seems like a good day to start crawling." One Friday morning she just started crawling around, although it was at a turtle's pace. I noticed she was getting frustrated this morning as I was hustling around the house trying to get everyone dressed and together to leave (which is always a challenge when you're by yourself and you have to get there by a certain time). Cayden would follow me to his room, she making her way back there, as I was gathering his shoes, hat and jacket. She excitedly made it back in time just as we were leaving and heading to another room. Yes, very frustrating for her. She just got back up on all fours and her crusty, red knees to once again follow the crowd. I've noticed too that lately she's quick to show her irritation with her brother when he decides that it's his turn for a certain toy. He naturally takes it from her and she screams out in protest. It was a new day and she wasn't having it! As she gets older, I've noticed too that her separation issues are easing up a bit. I'm able to leave her in the nursery or in the arms of others without much fuss. What a year for her, well, for babies in general. Think of all the things they accomplish and how much they change. I wish I could take pictures of my kids all day and record everything they do. But, until that day comes, here are a few pictures of Mckinley. She's a doll and has so many silly expressions!

Squeeze my cheeks please!

Wha, you talkin' to me?
(cement floors due to the water leak)

I worked hard for this ornament. Yes, I'm gloating.

These are beautiful and look like they'll taste great in my mouth.


Love it!

Post Christmas

On Saturday morning, the day after Christmas, we loaded up and headed home. Corey's mom met us there shortly after we arrived. We visited and made sure to take a picture of Nannie with Mckinley. Up till then, we had no pictures of the two of them together. This particular picture turned out so sweet. Mckinley's little expression is adorable.

It wasn't long and we headed over to Brent and Candice's house to spend the evening together eating and exchanging gifts. We all got to meet Jonathan and the cousins played very well together. Poor Haley has a little longer before Mckinley can join the ranks with her as she takes on the boys. Although, it'll never be even and the girls will always be outnumbered! They are just about a year apart, so once Mckinley starts walking and getting around better, they're sure to be the best of friends.

All the cousins waiting patiently as gifts are handed out.

Mckinley is barely hanging in there.

Overall, this Christmas was a sweet one. We missed seeing my brother Micheal and Katie at my mom's house and we're still looking forward to Corey's dad coming to visit. Thank you Lord for our family and what a gift they are to us! Happy New Year everyone!

Christmas Day

Christmas morning was sweet as I placed our video camera on the tripod, camera in hand. We all woke up Christmas morning at grandma's house complete with presents, stockings, laughter, tears and good 'ole breakfast. I've recently settled on the notion that Christmas must look a certain way and now that we have kids, we should implement those notions. One of those ideas, a key one, is that we need/want to be home Christmas morning. I love the idea of waking up Christmas morning in our home with our children and celebrating the day together. There are so many different traditions and ideas people may have about this very special day. After this Christmas I realized for my family, that there's a good chance it could look different every year. I thoroughly enjoyed this year and have a hard time giving up a Christmas morning and day not spent with all of my family. That's what it looks like for me; all of the family together eating, laughing, teasing each other and just enjoying the company. I would almost feel lonely on such a day if we were home this year. It most likely will be different as our kids get older, but for now, I'm happy with my big family Christmas, even if it means drama will enfold and we have to make the long drive back home the next day. Merry Christmas!!

Sweet Mckinley eating her bath toy

Cayden looking for more treasures

Great Uncle Michael and Mckinley

Uncle "Marnus"

Matthew, myself and Marcus

See, they love each other!

4 generations

our blessed family

Christmas Eve

So, however loose this resolution is, I'm going to make it an effort to update our blog every 2 weeks or so. The "so" part could mean every 2 months, so don't hold me to it. I wish I could do this more, just sit here in the quiet and share our lives with you more often.

I might start out by saying that in years past, I've become somewhat of a scrooge during Christmas. This in part was due to Corey's crazy retail schedule during the early years of our marriage and also to all the traveling Christmas time requires. This year, we made only 2 stops in Houston, whereas last year we did 7....five of which were on my side of the family. That just means I have a big messy family. With that said, Christmas this year was smooth and sweet. We loaded our fabulous van (it is fabulous indeed!!) and headed down on Wednesday night to Tomball. The next morning, Christmas Eve, we drove a little south to visit with my dad whom I haven't seen since May. We spent time at his home visiting and opening presents and afterwards we went to lunch. The visit was short, but I'm sure he had a sweet time with his grandbabies. The rest of the day was relaxing and somewhat uneventful. We've gotten into a lovely habit of playing games each night we're there. Between my brothers, Emily, Corey and I, we can sometimes hardly stop laughing. I enjoy their company so much and have loved seeing them love on and play with my kids. All three of my brothers just love their niece and nephew. They are truly blessed to have such sweet Uncles...and soon to be aunt!

Before the gaming began, mom had bought some cookies for Cayden to bake and decorate. It was his first time and he truly enjoyed the whole process. Lately, we've allowed him the habit of sitting on the counters, so that's where he spent most of his time decorating. He always wants up to see what we're doing. So goes the saying "curious toddler." Mom, in all her infinite planning, forgot icing so we made some from confectioners sugar. Who knew? Although a little watery, it worked.

Cayden chose to eat his cookies upside down to better eat the icing. At this point, Christmas Eve, anything goes. It was a sweet memory and I know it was just what mom had in mind!