Friday, January 1, 2010

the Son

Cayden. Cayden is officially 2 1/2 today! The terrible twos. But really, I wouldn't call them that. This year (the 2nd year) has been a little more challenging, but overall, we spend quite a bit of time laughing....with him but mostly at him. The things he says and does are so offbeat and random. I'm reminded that he's still learning what's appropriate, proper manners and knowing how to control his impulses. We've had our share of melt downs and I know more are to come, but that little man makes my day, everyday. He can be such a dancing clown, then a clingy monkey, then he needs his 'independence' and then lots of hugs and kisses. I'm pretty sure I'm begging him for his kisses most of the day.

We have some big milestones coming up in the next few months. I'm pretty certain I'd leave him in his crib till he was 6 (slightly exaggerating) but I know that in order for potty training to be successful, he's got to have access to the potty. Tiny detail. On that note, I'm not ready for that either, so we're staying pretty stagnant over here for a while.

When we got home from all our travels, Corey and Cayden (mostly Corey) made a ginger bread train. Corey built it while Cayden decorated...or ate the pieces. That's how it goes sometimes!

For Christmas, Cayden got a 4 wheeler from his grandpa Wheeler. He's a little short, but he's oh so cute!

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