Mckinley. Mckinley is now nearly 9 1/2 months old! I'm pretty sure I was pregnant yesterday. Just a few weeks ago she started crawling. I mean, I think she woke up one day and thought, "Hum, today seems like a good day to start crawling." One Friday morning she just started crawling around, although it was at a turtle's pace. I noticed she was getting frustrated this morning as I was hustling around the house trying to get everyone dressed and together to leave (which is always a challenge when you're by yourself and you have to get there by a certain time). Cayden would follow me to his room, she making her way back there, as I was gathering his shoes, hat and jacket. She excitedly made it back in time just as we were leaving and heading to another room. Yes, very frustrating for her. She just got back up on all fours and her crusty, red knees to once again follow the crowd. I've noticed too that lately she's quick to show her irritation with her brother when he decides that it's his turn for a certain toy. He naturally takes it from her and she screams out in protest. It was a new day and she wasn't having it! As she gets older, I've noticed too that her separation issues are easing up a bit. I'm able to leave her in the nursery or in the arms of others without much fuss. What a year for her, well, for babies in general. Think of all the things they accomplish and how much they change. I wish I could take pictures of my kids all day and record everything they do. But, until that day comes, here are a few pictures of Mckinley. She's a doll and has so many silly expressions!

Squeeze my cheeks please!

Wha, you talkin' to me?
(cement floors due to the water leak)

I worked hard for this ornament. Yes, I'm gloating.

These are beautiful and look like they'll taste great in my mouth.


Love it!
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