So, however loose this resolution is, I'm going to make it an effort to update our blog every 2 weeks or so. The "so" part could mean every 2 months, so don't hold me to it. I wish I could do this more, just sit here in the quiet and share our lives with you more often.
I might start out by saying that in years past, I've become somewhat of a scrooge during Christmas. This in part was due to Corey's crazy retail schedule during the early years of our marriage and also to all the traveling Christmas time requires. This year, we made only 2 stops in Houston, whereas last year we did 7....five of which were on my side of the family. That just means I have a big messy family. With that said, Christmas this year was smooth and sweet. We loaded our fabulous van (it is fabulous indeed!!) and headed down on Wednesday night to Tomball. The next morning, Christmas Eve, we drove a little south to visit with my dad whom I haven't seen since May. We spent time at his home visiting and opening presents and afterwards we went to lunch. The visit was short, but I'm sure he had a sweet time with his grandbabies. The rest of the day was relaxing and somewhat uneventful. We've gotten into a lovely habit of playing games each night we're there. Between my brothers, Emily, Corey and I, we can sometimes hardly stop laughing. I enjoy their company so much and have loved seeing them love on and play with my kids. All three of my brothers just love their niece and nephew. They are truly blessed to have such sweet Uncles...and soon to be aunt!
Before the gaming began, mom had bought some cookies for Cayden to bake and decorate. It was his first time and he truly enjoyed the whole process. Lately, we've allowed him the habit of sitting on the counters, so that's where he spent most of his time decorating. He always wants up to see what we're doing. So goes the saying "curious toddler." Mom, in all her infinite planning, forgot icing so we made some from confectioners sugar. Who knew? Although a little watery, it worked.

Cayden chose to eat his cookies upside down to better eat the icing. At this point, Christmas Eve, anything goes. It was a sweet memory and I know it was just what mom had in mind!