I can't express enough how much I love MDO!! Cayden has been in the program for 3 years now and Mck just finished her first year. Since I worked there the first year the program started, I got to really know all the teachers, as well as the director. I love these ladies. Some of my favorite things about MDO (besides the obvious) is first for what my kiddos get out of it. My kids spend the day doing arts and crafts that I could never imagine, sing silly songs, hear Bible stories, learn to sit, listen and follow instructions, play with others, receive loving discipline from an authority other than myself, learn about friendships/relationships, and just have a fun kid day. I can't say enough good things about the program. My kids just love "school." Additionally, both Cayden and Mck have met some of their dearest friends at school and I too have made some sweet friends.

Cayden is in a class full of girls...only 1 other boy. Oh, and he's the shortest, cutest kiddo in there!
At both Christmas and the end of the school year, the kiddos put on a singing program that brings tears to my eyes every time.
I didn't get any pictures of Cayden on stage b/c Corey was filming it and as soon as Mck saw her brother, she took off on stage after him. I had to grab her off and walk to the back. In fact, I didn't even see him up there. At least I got it on film! Mck loves her brother!
This is Gracie, Cayden's dearest friend and long time school-mate. I sometimes keep her during the week and these two play so wonderfully together. I don't know what it is. He always insists on pulling her backpack from the van to the apartment, getting her drink, they never fuss at each other and sometimes when he wakes from his nap and Gracie is already gone, he cries out, "I want my Gracie." He loves her, really. Shelley and I, Gracie's mom, are convinced they're getting married one day. Ha, who knows!
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