Mck at school eating a birthday cupcake!
And now for that sweet baby girl...here are some fabulous things about Mck that you may not know:
- she likes the idea of and gets so excited about taking a bath. Well, shower at our house. But once she's in there, it's a struggle just to get your hands on her. You see, she will paste herself to the very corner of the shower just far enough away that you can barely reach her. You are then forced to crawl forward onto the wet floor to pull her back toward you. Bath time is drama time. I don't know what it is.
- she will wave, smile and talk to just about anyone. She's much more out-going than her brother and is easily approached. She's just like her daddy.
- she has a super high piercing scream. Her octave is commendable, although I'm not encouraging it. Maybe she can use it later for something more constructive.
- she often, oh about 52 times a day says, "hold you" and I'm personally working on doing just that and putting off whatever domestic chore I might be in the middle of. She won't always want me to hold her and I need to remember that. She wants and needs so much cuddle time and I'm loving that right now.
- she will eat nearly everything. She hardly ever puts up a fight about food...wonder how long it'll last.
- she always prefers playing with cars, tractors, puzzles, trains and blocks over feeding her baby dolls. I know it's b/c of her brother and she just wants to be with him. Since they share a room, it's all kinda meshed together, so she gets to share everything with brother.
- her favorite characters right now are a cross between Dora and Minnie Mouse. She is so cute when she says their names and gets so excited when they come one. Sounds like we watch a lot of tv. Ha, not really, only in the morning during breakfast. She fought me just this morning from taking off her jammie gown that had Minnie on it. I guess it could've passed for a dress.
- she holds her own ground. She will often be seen charging Cayden and being the aggressive one. Cayden is more mellow with her and will play the trapped victim. Mck will run with it and control the conflict. She's rough, and we're working on discipline and obedience. Time outs have been real affective.

Silly girl

thumb in mouth, in her stroller, ready to head to school

Daddy loves her in pig tails, so it's pretty much the norm now. I'm growing her bangs out, so it's a good way to keep them out of her eyes. Little girls' hair can be so much work, but oh so cute!
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