Some fabulous things about Cayden that you may not know:
- he loves to dance. We routinely dance to the Curious George theme song just about every morning. He'll dance to commercials, tv shows and of course music from the radio. He's pretty good, too!
- he's addicted to gum. I don't allow him to have it but maybe a couple times a week. Maybe he's addicted to asking. Grandma started the gum thing. :)
- he loves to push the button to open the door to our building. It's probably equivalent to pushing the elevator buttons at a hotel. Exciting stuff.
- he can be quite the gentleman. He insists on carrying sister's lunch to and from school and pulling Gracie's (his little friend that stays with us on Wednesdays) backpack from the van all the way up to the apartment, all the while wearing his own backpack. He's so macho!
- his very favorite movie right now is the Wiggles and just about anything that has to do with real trucks, tractors or trains.
- he will not sleep with a pillow and sleeps completely covered, head to toe, under his "big blanket."
- he's on a hamburger/french fries kick right now and would probably eat that meal once a week if we'd allow it
- he's left-handed :)
- his favorite places to visit are the Jumpy Place (an indoor blowup slide place), story time at the library when he's in the right mood, school (mother's day out) and CBS.
- his sister is his best friend. Praying it stays that way always.
- he is still singing Christmas carols and makes up his own songs in his sleep about mommy, daddy and sister.
- every night during prayers, he prays for Christmas lights and fireworks. He'd like to go see them tomorrow. At least it's something we can look forward to every 6 months. :)
Putting money into his piggy bank!

Don't be fooled by this sweet picture. After fighting it, he sat down for maybe 2 seconds for this quick shot. As soon as I got the picture, he took off in a fit behind the rope, you know, where you're not supposed to go. You see sweet Cayden, I remember stinker Cayden.

Thinking it through - his escape!

No matter what, he's my favorite little boy!