Sunday, September 12, 2010

Texas State Football Game!!!

The Bobcat's first home game was this Saturday night and guess who went, enjoyed it and would probably go again? The Wheelers!!!!! We met up with our sweet family friends the Murawskis. Sandra and Mike have a daughter named Sol, who was in Cayden's class at MDO last year, and a son with the same cool name as our son, Caden. We camped out in the parking lot to cook hotdogs and hamburgers and enjoy the evening. We were prepared and brought all sorts of things to ride, color and do. The biggest challenge was keeping them in the reserved parking space we had; it was a challenge mostly for our wondering children. I was a little anxious not knowing how everything would go, but I was pleasantly surprised. The kids did great!!

Mckinley's home-made game shirt!

Kids just hanging out.

Biker babe

Awe, there's my sweet girl

This bottle of water was such a hit. Cade and Sol had so much fun squirting each other.

The kids look so enthused. "Please mom and dad, take us to the game."

Our whole crew decked out ready for the game!

How sweet is this picture? Cayden and Sol held hands all the way to the stadium. Here, he's protecting her by telling a truck to stop. Such the gentleman.

Cayden really watched closely to everything going on. He got into it too by clapping and saying, "Come on, Bobcats!" Although, Boko (the mascot) did get too close and Cayden wanted to leave. He doesn't appreciate costumes.

Sandra, Caden and Mck sitting together. Mck really likes Sandra and spent nearly a whole quarter sitting with her. I enjoyed it too!

This clapping girl has wet hair from some sweat, but mostly from the infamous water bottle big brother had.

Matching shirts I made for the kids. The front of each have a bobcat on it. I am THAT mom!

Cade and Sol are so silly. Sol thought Cade was just hilarious and Cade so enjoyed making her laugh. They are such sweet friends.

Doesn't it sort of look like he's proposing? Maybe some day. :)

The band!!!

Just thought this was a funny picture of Mck.

Cayden's eyeing the mascot here. "Don't come any closer."

Murawski family

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