This place, the Children's Museum, has become one of our favorite places this summer. We purchased a yearly pass and plan to take advantage of it!!! What makes it so fabulous is that the whole place is totally catered to Cayden and even Mckinley. There are several play stations that spark their curiosity and excitement. Each area is made just for him and I don't have to worry too much about what he's getting into or messing up, if that were even possible. Also, it's perfect for hot or rainy days and Mck can do her own thing too. Here Cayden and his friend, Josiah, are playing at the train table.

Building with magnetic blocks

About as close as she'll ever get to riding a horse...

Cayden is shopping with a cart made just for his size

Josiah is checking out and Cayden is waiting for his turn

Josiah taking his job very seriously :)


Outside there's a water table and let's face, the kids get soaked but have such a blast!

Mck is not walking yet...she chose to sit and relax with her snacks

Cayden's favorite spot!
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