It's become habit, more so now that it's warming up, that we will cut Cayden's hair and out comes the water! We've just always cut his hair ourselves, saving the time and money. Plus, I don't mind it and he doesn't fight me to sit and be still. This is the first time Corey has cut it, but let's face it, when you're buzzing hair, it's hard to mess it up. So, here we are, cutting his hair and naturally, the hair is sticky and's just a matter of time before we're in the water!

She's just adorable!

It's not long before dad is in there too!
Silly daddy!

Cayden's ears look exceptionally big in this picture...must be his new haircut.

Waiting to get in

Not happy about the entrance into the pool and water thrown into her face all at once
- thanks brother
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