The morning of the wedding was relaxed and full of excitement. We started the much anticipated day by visiting Starbucks for breakfast and sipping on mimosas. There was no rush or any last minute frantic planning. We were all cool, calm and collected. We soon started hair and makeup all the while watching movies and reading magazines. Three ladies came to our room to do our hair - that was nice!
I really like the idea of evening weddings. It seems to drag out the day and you seemingly get to enjoy the day more. My wedding was at 2pm, so we had a busy morning and then before you knew it, we were married and the day was over. I like evening weddings; I just decided. Anywho, once we were all ready, we loaded onto a bus and headed for the capitol to take pictures with the groom, bride and whole wedding party. The bus then drove us to the Allen House until the ceremony started.
Although everything was outside, I can honestly say that there was only 1 time that I felt hot or uncomfortable. The weather was cool and perfect which is a far cry from what we were expecting...the crazy weather channel said to expect scattered thunderstorms throughout the day. Not even a drop of rain!!
I thoroughly enjoyed the ceremony (all the while holding back tears), dinner and all the fun of the evening. It was fabulous to have our kids safely tucked away in San Marcos with friends that night, not having to worry about them or play mommy and daddy.
One of my favorite things or ideas that they had there was a photo booth. I took 4 different pictures with people in that silly, cramped thing, but it was so much fun. The nice thing about it was that it printed out 2 copies and you got to keep one and then make a scrapbook page with the other. What a novel idea! I have some crazy pictures! Mom, you know what I'm talking about! :)

Hanging out before the ceremony


Aren't they so handsome!?

Uncle Michael, Irene (weird, I never call her "Aunt Irene") and Angie

My date

Bride and Groom leaving

Me and Emily (maybe we'll be sisters one day too)

The after party...it's very late at this point.