Thank you Lord for the rain. I know that it's not real convenient getting out and around when it's raining, but I am truly rejoicing. Our water restrictions are easing up and of course, our grass is growing, or rather our
weeds are flourishing. One of Corey's favorite things to do is "play" in the yard. He seems to always find things to do or mess with outside. I appreciate that he enjoys doing those things because I'm not about it. For the most part, our yard has been a big dirt pile of a mess. Looking at our neighbor's yards, ours is in really bad shape. How come we have so much dirt? In addition to dirt, we've got stickers and patches of weeds. I'm not so sure Cayden even knows what grass is. Anywho, I'm grateful for the rain and that our yard is now green. With that, comes mowing. One of Cayden's favorite things is a tractor. We had a lot of construction on our road, and for a while, he would look for them and get terribly excited to see them. For whatever reason, this day was the first time he was on the tractor. Oh yeah, we didn't do much mowing all summer, so this was one of the few days Corey mowed. Corey took Cayden up and down our street. Somewhat uneventful, but for him, totally thrilling. Hopefully he'll have many more times to ride the tractor. Bring on the rain!!!

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