Cayden turned 2 on July 11th. We headed to Tomball to celebrate with family and a few friends. I can't even begin to put into words how quickly time flies. We all know it, but really, it's sad how quickly your babies grow up. Although the main reason we all came together was to celebrate Cayden, it was also sweet for everyone to get to spend some time together. Michael and his girlfriend, now fiance, Katie, recently got engaged, so seeing them was a real treat. We're all super thrilled for them and look forward to her being our new sister.
My aunt Irene and uncle Michael have the perfect home for a birthday party. We swam, ate, and played games all day. I personally really enjoyed the whole day with my family and friends. Here Cayden is on top of their rockwall that later turned into a fabulous jumping spot.

Cayden in his swimming "getup"

Cody and Lizzie Riedel and Corey and Cayden

Grandma and Mckinley

I'm pretty happy with the way our cake turned out. It was a group effort, mainly run by Emily, but input was gathered from Matthew, Michael, Mom and Katie. Mom had the 'great idea' to make a cupcake cake ourselves. "It'll be fun," she said. Well, after 4 trips to the store and waiting until 9pm the night before, we set out to make this cake. We wanted it to be a dump truck, and I think we succeeded. Emily did a great job making the cake and managing all the "bakers" in the kitchen. Yes mom, it was a great idea.

Happy Birthday Cayden!!!

Tickle torture Cayden!! Somehow Michael is able to play and hold Mckinley at the same time!

Ok, Cayden is almost 3...or so it seems. It'll be here soon.